cave rave 2017
Cave Rave is an event at Park University that is hosted every year by the Park Student Activities Board. The Park Student Activities Board, also known as PSAB, is made up of 7 executive board members who work hard to make this event happen. (listen to planning process here) Many students gather in the PDL to enjoy the energetic and upbeat music a long with food, water pong, and photo booths. Cave Rave is a tradition at Park and allows students to take a break from all the studying and final projects. This event was DJ'd by Complete music, a company that PSAB uses often for their events. PSAB usually uses complete music for their photo booths as well, but decided to try something new. This year they brought a gif booth instead of a Photo Booth. They were able to get this service through the photo bus of Kansas City. This was a big hit at Cave Rave. You can check out all the excitement here!

About the project
This is a final project I put together for Professor Steven Youngblood's Advanced Multimedia Skills class. I produced a sound and site project to capture the excitement Park students had at Cave Rave. I produced a audio reportage to share the details and hard work that goes in to planning an event like Cave Rave.